What’s it called when your brain is overly creative and active that you just decide to do absolutely nothing?
I've heard of brain fog, brain fart, but what's it called when you have so many ideas, so many thoughts and things you want to say, but it's like your brain cant organize it all because it's just so much, so instead you just do absolutely nothing?! What is that?...
How to Get Your Strong-Willed Child to Do Things They Dont Want to Do by Doing This ONE Simple Thing
Get your strong willed, defiant child to do life things that they don’t want to do, without fighting or crying by doing this ONE EASY thing!
Who’s Kingdom Are You Under? How I’m Able to Stick to my Guns and Not be Effected by Cancel Culture
If you know me, you know I'm not your average Joe. I am open about how I raise my kids, my faith, my life choices, and I'm not afraid to speak my mind. I do and believe things a lot of people disagree with, but also there are a ton of people who do agree with me and...
5 of the Most Asked Questions and Concerns About Homeschooling Answered! (What is Homeschool?)
What is homeschool? I’m going to answer the 5 most asked questions and concerns I’ve gotten about homeschooling my 5 year old, and how we do it. Keep reading to hear about our experience and some things we do, and don‘t do. Q1: “WHY DID YOU DECIDED TO HOMESCHOOL?” I’m...
For New Mom’s- My Unconventional Parenting Tactics That Kept me Sane!
Some things I see and hear a lot are mom's going crazy about the latest baby trends, what their babies should be doing at certain ages, what they're supposed to be doing for their kids at surtain ages and just trying to do everything "perfectly". When I became a mom I...
Confessions of a Teenage Mommy
I got pregnant when I was 19. When I found out, me and my boyfriend were going through a shaky weird time like every teenage relationship goes through I guess. We were both sooooooo young and always wanted to be at the next party. So when we found out, we weren't...