How many times have you read and heard “breastfeeding is hard”?

First, let me be clear, I’m not denying anyone else’s experiences, or doubt the least bit that it was hard for those people that say that! But I want me give you a bit of hope, relief, and a new perspective…

Everything we read about breastfeeding ALWAYS says “it’s hard.” But for me, it was never hard at all. It came very easily and naturally to me and my babies, and I never felt that it put a strain on me, or my life.

In fact, it made life EASIER for me and my babies, and even helped me when it came to bedtime, so I was never sleep deprived.

I don’t say this to gloat!

Just to give you a new, positive, perspective on breastfeeding, and how it DOESN’T have to be hard for everyone! Even though everything you read about it states that it’s so hard, and even though I DO realize that it is for some!

But that doesn’t mean it will be for you.

Breast feeding isn’t hard

Thank you for reading!

Love, Emily <3

The modern hippie mom signature pic

Thank you for reading!

Love, Emily <3

The modern hippie mom signature pic

Thank you for reading!

Love, Emily <3

The modern hippie mom signature pic

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